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Prag Tschechische Republik Travel and vacation

Travel and vacation


Prague is renowned to be one of the most beautiful cities all over the world, so it is not astonishing that this one is the six most visited cities, after London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, and Berlin.

Since 1992 the historic centre of the city has been added in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites, what is incontestable proof of a genuine gorgeousness and richness of city's ancient architecture.

A variety of the historic sights and venues is unbelievably large, but what is the most peculiar is that all these ancient creatures are of godlike beauty and majesty. So, the city will be simply an exceptional choice to spend vacation if  you are keen on history, culture, architecture, and sculpture.

The city is like a one big museum, where all the inns and memorable sights are exposed as the displays of a refined collection of plush works pf art.

Among the most subtle venues of the cityis the Old Town with its Old Town Square, the Astronomical Clock, the Charles Bridge, the New Town with its Wenceslas Square, Prague Castle with its St. Vitus Cathedral, the dancing House, National Museum, the Metronome, the Mucha Museum, and the Franz Cafka Museum.

The cultural venues, like museums, theaters, operas, and galleries are presented in a great number within the city. It is just indispensable to visit National Theatre, the Rudolfinum, State Opera, Naprtsek Museum, National Museum, National Library, and National gallery when spending some time in the city.

You are not likely to get bored when having vacation in Prague, as the city is a venue for a great number of various, both annual and occasional, festivals and holidays.

Spring, for instance, is a high time to celebrate Prague Spring International Music Festival.

In autumn you'll take enormous pleasure while mesmerizing and listening to every immaculate sound of Prague Autumn International Festival.

One World Film Festival, Prague Writers Festival, Prague International Organ Festival, Prague Fringe Festival, World Roma Festival, and many others are not less breathtaking and impressing gaudies, held in Prague.

All the residents of the city and guests leave all their affairs in order to have a holiday of soul and blood. The whole city is romping and gamboling to excess. All wishing to take an active part or simply contemplate one of these miracles are welcome.

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